Why do puppies bark, but kittens can’t? Why do elephants have long trunks when other animals don’t? What’s the point of all these differences? God has a reason for creating the animals just the way they are. And he has a reason for making you unique as well. Through whimsical animal illustrations and warmhearted rhymes, young children will learn that our Loving God made all of His creations unique…on purpose.
Kids who always ask, “Why, Mom?” and “How come, Dad?” will easily relate to the back-and-forth question-and-answer format. What’s more, God Made Us Just Right is the perfect tool for parents, caregivers, grandparents, teachers, and clergy to teach several vital messages including that:
God’s love created us all differently, but “just right,” on purpose.
God had a plan and a design when he made the animals…no two are the same.
God has a plan and design for us as well
each one of us is unique.
God made us with oodles of love, “just right” so we shouldn’t compare ourselves to anyone else and the God who created the world loves diversity and he loves us just the way he created us.